New London to New Brighton 2013-2015
2005-2012 | 2013-2015 | 2016-2018
New London to New Brighton 2015
New London to New Brighton 2014
Back Row (left to right)
Eric Hylen, 1912 Model T Touring
Brian Peterka, 1914 Model T Roadster
Dave Shadduck, 1911 Model T Touring
Norm Aune Jr., 1912 Model T C Cab
Mark and Tammy Wersal, 1914 Model T Touring
Carl and Anne Pate, 1909 Model T Touring
Homer and Evon Cronquist, 1914 Model T Touring
Middle Row (left to right)
Irvin and Robert Haisch, 1906 Model N Runabout
Jeff Fries, 1905 Model F Tonneau
Richard Darling, 1906 Model N Runabout
Jim Laughlin, 1903 Model S Roadster
Dean Yoder, 1907 Model K Touring
Tim and Carol Kelly, 1907 Model K Touring
Rob Heyen, 1906 Model N Special Mother-in-Law
Floyd and Carol Jaehnert, 1908 Model S Roadster
Bruce VanSloun and Gary Griffin, 1903 Model S Runabout
Peter Fausch, 1905 Model N Runabout
Front Row (left to right)
Rick Lindner, 1904 Model A Tonneau
Dave Shadduck, 1903 Model A Tonneau
John W. Biggs, 1903 Model A Tonneau